Sturdy and sizeable, these bags are ideal for holding large quantities of sand, turf, aggregate, wood and other materials. Their design makes them easy to lift and move for anyone with the right equipment in place. Industrial bags are known by a number of names, including bulk bags, dumpy bags, FIBCs or jumbo bags.
First introduced in the 1940s for the transportation of black carbon, big bags became popular in various sectors soon after, not least construction, materials processing, mining, animal nutrition, fertiliser production, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, disposal and recycling. Now a staple of all facets of industry, these storage solutions go by many names among professionals: bulk bags, jumbo bags, industrial bags, dumpy bags and flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBC).
Big bags from DENIOS are designed specifically as flexible storage, transport and disposal containers for materials such as sand, turf, fertiliser, green waste, mulch or rubble. Available in various configurations and sizes, big bags are intended for universal use – from storage to transportation to disposal – and require minimal storage space when not filled. Lifting loops enable the industrial bags to be hoisted by crane or forklift and all variants come with a flap top and closed bottom to prevent spillage or contact with hazardous materials during transit or when in temporary storage.
The flexible storage and transportation of these industrial bags leads to a variety of benefits in your workplace. Designed for storing goods both indoors and outdoors, they will adjust to your specific needs. They can easily hold up to 1,500kg in weight, ensuring you can store large quantities. And for added accessibility, each one has four loops, known as lifting loops, so that they can be picked up and transported by a crane.
Another advantage of this type of storage solution is enforced even when it is not in use. These bags can be folded down and stored in a relatively small space, unlike plastic and metal containers. When they are needed again, simply unfold, put in place and fill up.
For specialist materials, we offer marked options such as the asbestos bags. We recognise the importance of making people aware of dangerous contents. That is why these bags are designed to help workers keep potentially hazardous materials – such as asbestos rubble – separate from others. These feature an upper flap and have a weight limit of 1,000kg.
Several of our industrial bags are made from uncoated polypropylene fabric. The standard style for this product is an open top and a closed floor – ideal for the most common storage requirements of materials such as sand or aggregate. Similar bags feature a flap top, which enables the user to keep the contents dry and concealed, although these have a weight limit of around 1,000kg.
A range of accessories is also available for the large industrial bags. Dispensing stands and frames are often used to help keep the bags steady and stable while they are in use, while the Big Bag Hoist Bracket is a useful way to lift the bags with the help of a crane. The hoists are created from steel profile pipe and are very easy to use. The hoist hooks on to all four of the corner hooks on the bag and keeps it steady. Using this type of equipment makes the process of moving and emptying the bags much safer.
While big bags can be filled manually, they are best employed as part of a mechanical setup to make filling, handling, transportation and emptying easier. The following accessories have been carefully selected by DENIOS to provide an optimum on-site setup:
Made of steel and with a maximum load capacity rating of 1,500 kg, a hoist bracket (available in an angled or flat design) allows for the safe and secure lifting and transportation of a full big bag. The loops at the corners of the big bag are attached to the stainless steel hooks protruding from each end of the bracket. This keeps the big bag stable and even during transit.
A release valve traps the top of a big bag in its grip, enabling it to be opened and closed manually at will and guaranteeing the smooth discharge of the bag’s contents. It does not require an electrical connection and can be deployed immediately. This is a hygienic solution, as there is no contact between the bag and the filler, making it ideal for use in food production.
Dispensing stands and frames are the best way to store big bags safely when not in use. Made of galvanised steel and consisting of a base, an upper section and four connection pipes, these structures are highly robust and can be stacked on three levels. They feature built-in pockets to facilitate transportation via forklift truck.
For more information regarding our large industrial bags and accessories, reach out to a member of the DENIOS UK team today. Our experts are always happy to answer any questions you may have.
As an intermediate transportation and storage solution, big bags cannot be beaten for their flexibility, durability, minimal space requirements and ability to prevent workers from coming into contact with potentially hazardous materials. Able to store many dif-ferent types of loose solid materials, big bags stocked by DENIOS are suitable for use in various specialist industries. Browse the full range of big bags and accessories to find the perfect storage solution for your needs.
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