It's generally said that a single drop of oil can contaminate up to 1,000 litres of water. In Germany, contamination of waters carries a fine or prison term of up to 5 years. But what can we do to stop things getting that far? We need to handle hazardous substances on a daily basis and we're often not sure how each must be stored so that both people and the environment are best protected. Let's show you what you need to look out for.
Spill pallets must be sealed against the stored liquids and must be made of non-flammable materials.
The storage room must be suitable, i.e. with permanent ventilation, Ex-protection and constructional fire protection.
The material from which the spill pallet is made must be suitable for the stored liquids. When storing water-hazardous, flammable substances for example oils and paints, a spill pallet in steel is ideal, either galvanised or painted. When storing aggressive chemicals, for example acids or alkalis, a spill pallet in stainless steel or plastic is needed. A good guide is to look at the container in which the substance is supplied, to determine which material the spill pallet should be made of.
Spill pallets must - depending on application - meet a range of requirements. Spill pallets with integral forklift pockets are ideal for transporting around the works using a forklift. The next thing to consider is the spill pallet containment volume. The spill pallet must also be properly tested and certified. Every weld seam of a DENIOS steel spill pallet has been tested by dye penetration.
Usually, a spill pallet height of 500 mm must not be exceeded, otherwise sufficient ventilation cannot be guaranteed. If a higher spill pallet is required however, technical ventilation can be used for example.
A spill pallet must be able to contain the contents of the largest container or at least 10% of the total stored volume. In as far as the storage of water-polluting substances is permitted in water protection areas, a spill pallet in this case must be able to contain 100% of the total stored volume.
The operator is responsible for ensuring correct use in accordance with the regulations.
Repairs / maintenance.
The spill pallet must be kept free of water and contamination.
Damage to the surface protection must be repaired immediately (corrosion).
Regular inspections are needed at least once a week.
The condition of the spill pallet (grids) is to be visually inspected every 2 years.
The result must be recorded and presented to the water authorities if requested.
Check whether combined storage of the substances is permitted. Our DENIOS Hazmat Manual includes a handy combined storage table to help you comply with the regulations.
These can be used in buildings and outdoors, however must not be used in Ex-zones. When installed outdoors, the containment devices must be protected from precipitation.
Clean up the leaked fluid using an absorbent material which is suitable for the hazardous substance. Take care to ensure that the type of absorbent material is appropriate to the leak. Absorbent materials are available in Oil, Universal or Special variants. Find out which absorbent material is suitable for your needs here.
The spill pallet must be visually inspected at least once a week. Remove the hazardous substance in accordance with the regulations using suitable absorbent materials. Further information on the legally compliant testing of spill pallets can be found here. As an additional, practical monitoring aid, we recommend our SpillGuard® hazardous substance leak warning system. The handy SpillGuard®, which can be placed in any spill pallet, is easy to activate and triggers a visual and audible signal for 24 hours in the event of a leak - giving an effective warning.
Check the test certificate as well as the guarantee from the manufacturer. If you notice the beginnings of any corrosion, the spill pallet must be disposed of in accordance with the legislation. In order to carry out a general sealing test, water can of course be poured into the spill pallet to check it is water-tight.
A large proportion of spill pallets can be accessed from below, so a forklift can be used to transport from A to B. Some models are available with castors. If a floor spill pallet needs to be transported, this can be done on a pallet. In each case, ensure the spill pallet is not so full that there will be a risk of a leak during transport. If transport is necessary, where public roads and not just the works grounds need to be accessed, the legislation for the transport of hazardous goods needs to be taken into consideration.
The specialist information on this page has been compiled carefully and to the best of our knowledge and belief. Nevertheless, DENIOS Ltd cannot assume any warranty or liability of any kind, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, for the topicality, completeness and correctness either towards the reader or towards third parties. The use of the information and content for your own or third party purposes is therefore at your own risk. In any case, please observe the locally and currently applicable legislation.