Every second counts in an emergency. This is why fire brigades and other emergency services depend on reliable and efficient equipment to effectively combat accidents and fires involving hazardous substances.
In addition to the danger to people, hazardous substance incidents also harbour a considerable risk of environmental damage. The right equipment is crucial for quickly and safely containing spilled hazardous substances or contaminated extinguishing water.
Fires involving electric vehicles and battery-powered devices are on the increase and pose a particular challenge as they are difficult to extinguish. The issue is not only the firefighting itself, but also suitable quarantine measures in the aftermath, for which suitable equipment is required.
At DENIOS, we understand the needs and challenges you face. Our comprehensive product range offers specially developed solutions that maximise your safety and operational readiness.
Lithium fires require specialised fire protection solutions. Fire protection blankets made of special high-temperature fabric with a mineral coating on both sides are used to protect the surrounding area in the event of battery accidents. They reduce the risk of fire spreading and the associated collateral damage. The blankets are large enough to cover entire electric vehicles. They are also quick and easy to handle and suitable for use with sprinklers and extinguishing water, creating a cooling effect.
Damaged lithium batteries can catch fire again even after a longer period of time. They should therefore be separated after firefighting and temporarily stored in suitable safety containers. DENIOS offers professional storage and transport boxes that can be kept on fire service equipment vehicles, for example, and are ideal as quarantine containers for defective lithium-ion batteries. The quarantine boxes minimise hazards in the event of another accident. Many of our boxes are also suitable for road transport and have the appropriate transport authorisations for defective, damaged or critically defective lithium-ion batteries.
Crash tests have shown that, in the event of an accident, the risk of explosion and fire is no greater for electric vehicles than for combustion vehicles. However, electric car fires are more difficult to extinguish. Only intensive cooling with large amounts of water can stop a fire. However, it is not possible to determine with the naked eye whether the fire has been completely extinguished. The battery can self-ignite again up to 24 hours after the fire. The best solution is therefore to park the electric vehicle separately in a quarantine area with the possibility of flooding. The DENIOS mobile quarantine container offers space for an electric vehicle and can be flooded in the event of a fire. Its suitability has been confirmed by the German TÜV.
Our online shop offers you everything you need to contain leaks of hazardous substances: Collapsible leakage trays, safety drums, sealing plugs and sealants are ideal for protecting leaking hazardous substance containers. With drain seals and mobile liquid barriers, you can quickly protect critical points and prevent hazardous substances or contaminated extinguishing water from entering other areas of the building or the waste water.
If oil or other hazardous substances get into bodies of water, even a single drop can spread quickly and contaminate up to 1,000 litres of water. In flowing waters in particular, the oil film drifts inexorably downstream and spreads the damage further with every second. To prevent the damage from spreading, oil booms are used on the water to prevent the oil film from spreading further. DENSORB® oil barriers offer a safe and effective solution for the containment and retention of oils, petrol, diesel and other hydrocarbons on open, standing and flowing waters.
Absorbents are needed when fuel, oil or hazardous materials spill on the road after accidents or when hazardous substances leak on company premises. Depending on the application, the DENSORB® range offers you a large selection of different absorbent materials - from classic granulates to extremely absorbent fleeces and pads that can be placed under dripping tanks or pipes, for example.
A gas warning device or gas detector monitors the gas concentration in the ambient air and makes hazards caused by odourless or colourless gases, for example, visible to the emergency services. If emergency services have to enter unsafe buildings to rescue people, they can carry the gas detector with them.
When emergency personnel come into contact with hazardous substances, subsequent skin hygiene is particularly important, e.g. to prevent cancer. In our shop you will find a selection of hygiene products for skin cleansing and disinfection.
Personal protective equipment is indispensable when fighting and clearing hazardous substance accidents. It protects emergency personnel from the harmful effects of hazardous substances and minimises the risk of injury.
Hose ramps and cable bridges are used in operations to lay hoses across roads or paths without having to block them and at the same time to allow vehicles to cross safely. We also offer hose ramps and cable bridges that are suitable for large fire hoses.
We also offer solutions for the thorough cleaning and removal of contamination from equipment and vehicles. From mobile cleaning stations to specialised decontamination trays, we offer you everything you need to clean your equipment and vehicles quickly and reliably. This ensures that your emergency services can work with clean and flawless equipment at all times, while minimising health risks from hazardous residues.
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