Handling gases carries many dangers - but with the right knowledge, risks can be effectively minimized. People who work with gases in everyday operations should therefore be made aware of the different sources of danger.
Gases are extremely versatile substances with different properties. While flammable gases pose the risk of explosion, oxidizing gases are not themselves flammable, but promote the combustion of other substances. In addition, there are harmful, hazardous, toxic and corrosive gases, which pose health risks for employees. In addition, gases (all but oxygen themselves) reduce the oxygen content in confined spaces and can endanger persons present by lack of oxygen.
It is important to always assess the hazards of gases on an individual basis. In the following, we will give you an explanation of the approach to a risk assessment of gases.
Gas bottles are commonly used in daily operations in many industries. Handling and storing these cylinders may seem like a mundane task, but if done carelessly, without safety in mind, gas cylinders can leak or explode, causing serious property damage and/or injury.
There are a number of regulations that apply to the safe storage and handling of pressurised gas cylinders. These include requirements for the quality of pressurized gas containers and their testing, rules for risk assessment and protective measures for gases, their storage and transport.
All of these regulations form the framework for the safe handling of gases in the commercial environment.
In our guide we answer some of the most important questions to ensure safe working with gas cylinders and offer best practice tips for carrying out your risk assessment and for safely storing and transporting your gas cylinders.
The following table (in alphabetical order) provides an overview of the most important regulations that affect the area of "activities involving gases" and contain corresponding specifications and protective measures:
Regulations | Content |
ADR | Regulations and quantity limits for the carriage of gas cylinders by vehicles on the road. |
Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV) | Ordinance on safety and health protection in the provision of work equipment |
Ordinance on Hazardous Substances (GefStoffV) | Protective measures for employees during activities involving hazardous substances |
Product Safety Act (ProdSG) | Ordinance on making simple pressure vessels available on the market (6th ProdSV) |
TRBS 1201 | Inspections of work equipment and systems requiring monitoring |
TRBS 2141 | Determination and evaluation of hazards due to steam and pressure and corresponding protective measures |
TRBS 2152 / TRGS 720, 721, 722 | Identifying and preventing explosion hazards caused by substances that can form explosive atmospheres |
TRBS 3145 / TRGS 745 | Transportable pressurised gas containers - Filling, holding, internal transport, emptying |
TRBS 3146 / TRGS 746 | Regulations for stationary pressure systems for gases |
TRBS 3151 / TRGS 751 | Avoidance of fire, explosion and pressure hazards at filling stations and filling plants for land vehicles |
TRGS 407 | Risk assessments for activities involving gases |
TRGS 500 | Protective measures for handling hazardous substances |
TRGS 510 | Storage of hazardous substances in portable containers |
TRGS 512 | Special regulations and protective measures for fumigations |
TRGS 513 | Special regulations and protective measures for work on sterilisers with ethylene oxide and formaldehyde |
TRGS 522 | Special regulations and protective measures for room disinfection with formaldehyde |
TRGS 525 | Handling of hazardous substances in facilities for human medical care |
TRGS 526 | Special regulations and protective measures for activities in laboratories |
TRGS 528 | Special regulations and protective measures for welding work |
TRGS 529 | Activities in the production of biogas |
TRGS 725 | Measuring, control and regulating equipment in the context of explosion protection measures |
TRGS 800 | Fire protection measures |
The risk assessment is the central element in occupational health and safety. It is the basis for systematic and successful safety and health management. According to the Occupational Health and Safety Act (ArbSchG) and the accident prevention regulation "Principles of Prevention" (BGR A1 or GUV-V A1), all employers - irrespective of the number of employees - are obliged to carry out a risk assessment. § Section 5 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (ArbSchG) regulates the employer's duty to identify and assess hazards and specifies possible causes of hazards and subjects of the risk assessment. § Section 6 obliges employers to document the result of the risk assessment, the occupational safety and health measures they have defined and the result of their review.
The risk assessment must be carried out by a competent person. This person has sufficient knowledge of the hazardous properties of the hazardous substances used and is familiar with the work processes and the activities to be carried out. He knows the regulations, can assess the working conditions and evaluate the specified protective measures during an activity. In company practice, this task is usually performed by safety, waste, hazardous goods and fire protection officers. However, with regard to the storage and handling of gases, many of these responsible persons find it difficult to assess the situation correctly.
TRGS 407 contains numerous special specifications for carrying out a risk assessment for gases. Basically, TRGS 407 "Risk assessment for gases" is a supplement to TRGS 400 "Risk assessment for activities involving hazardous substances". However, it contains some definitions important for the assessment of gases, such as:
Term | Definition |
Gases | Gases in the sense of TRGS 407 and according to the CLP Regulation as well as dangerous goods legislation are substances or mixtures/preparations which have a vapour pressure of 300 kPa (3 bar) at 50 °C or are completely gaseous at 20 °C and a standard pressure of 101.3 kPa. Gases are heavier than air in relation to their state after discharge, i.e. at the respective temperature of the gas and the pressure of the ambient atmosphere, if their density is > 1.3 kg/m3 or equal to air if their density is ≤ 1.3 kg/m3 and ≥ 1.2 kg/m3 or lighter than air if their density is < 1.2 kg/m3. In TRGS 407, the term "gas" is used in the sense of "gas and gas mixture", otherwise it is explicitly referred to, e.g. by using the term "pure gas" or by using the term "gas mixture" alone. |
Refrigerated liquefied gases | Refrigerated liquefied gases are gases whose liquid state is maintained at a temperature lower than the ambient temperature by cooling, evaporation or thermal insulation. |
Gas mixtures | Gas mixtures are mixtures which meet the definition of gases in the CLP Regulation and which consist of two or more gases or possibly also liquids. They have a vapour pressure of more than 300 kPa (absolute) at 50 °C or are completely gaseous at 20 °C and a standard pressure of 101.3 kPa. They may also contain one or more condensable substances. Any gas with a critical temperature Tk ≥ - 50 °C and any liquid are considered condensable. |
Pressurised gas containers | Pressurised gas containers are pressure containers for gases, regardless of pressure. The pressurised gas container includes the equipment parts that can influence its safety. A distinction is made between mobile and stationary pressurised gas containers. |
Pressure systems | Pressure systems within the meaning of this TRGS are pressure systems in accordance with TRBS 2141, insofar as they are intended for gases. |
All gas cylinders contain gases under pressure that may present a risk of explosion if not safely handled and stored. The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations (DSEAR) requires employers to carry out a site specific risk assessment for each gas cylinder store.
The risk assessment must be carried out by a qualified person who has sufficient knowledge of the hazardous properties of the substances being used and is familiar with the work processes involved in order to correctly assess the working conditions and evaluate the protective measures required.
The first step is to identify the hazardous properties of the gases used in your facility. The safety data sheet will provide you with all the necessary information as it will highlight all dangerous properties of the stored substance.
The following must also be considered during the risk assessment:
Explosion limits (OEG / LEL can be shifted at elevated temperature / pressure)
Temperature (can lead to pressure increase in the compressed gas tank)
Chemical properties (eg, instability)
Self-igniting (increased risk of fire / explosion)
Corrosion (eg, sulfur dioxide, can attack containers)
Toxic gases (eg, chlorine)
Gases heavier than "air" (can collect near the ground)
It should be noted that the hazards associated with the handling of gases are so varied that only a few of the effects can be stated here. A detailed analysis of the hazards of the gas must be made on a case-by-case basis.
Once the risks have been analyzed, the handling must then be considered. This includes internal transport and processing and handling by employees. The following situations describe specific hazards as examples:
Unintentional release (eg. leaky connections to valves)
Mixing gases (eg. when welding with acetylene / oxygen)
External effect on the compressed gas container
Improper maintenance (eg. pressure regulator on the valve is defective)
Deviation from the prescribed purpose
Important: It is not possible to create a "standard risk assessment" for all gases. Each gas must be considered individually and evaluated according to the hazards arising from it. A cause analysis can provide further support here. In addition, when assessing the risk of gases, the technicians, users or operators should be included in the report.
Whether as a basis for the risk assessment or immediately before use, it is essential for the user to know exactly what is in a gas bottle.
As required by law, each individual gas cylinder has to have a label which identifies its contents and provides basic safety information on the hazard(s) associated with the product. The labeling of gas cylinders has been regulated by EN 1089 since 1997. Amongst other things, this specifies a uniform colouring (EN 1089-3), which serves as additional information about the properties of the gases contained.
It is the responsibility of the person filling the gas cylinder to affix a label.
Attention: The colour coding according to EN 1089-3 only refers to the cylinder shoulder, not to the jacket colour. The standard does not apply to bundle and trailer cylinders, fire extinguishers and gas cylinders for liquid gas. During the transitional period until the end of 2006, a large "N" (= Neu, New, Nouveau) was additionally printed on the cylinders to avoid confusion with old cylinders.
The bottle colour does not replace the hazardous goods label! This is the only binding identification of the bottle contents.
The specialist information on this page has been compiled carefully and to the best of our knowledge and belief. Nevertheless, DENIOS Ltd cannot assume any warranty or liability of any kind, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, for the topicality, completeness and correctness either towards the reader or towards third parties. The use of the information and content for your own or third party purposes is therefore at your own risk. In any case, please observe the locally and currently applicable legislation.