Level Indicators are used on drums and IBCs to determine the level of material in the unit. The indicators help workers to prevent the units from overflowing ensuring better safety and environmental protection in the workplace.
DENIOS UK carries a wide range of Level Indicators. The Filling Level Indicator Model FS, for example, is designed to be used for drums or containers holding heating oil or diesel. The scale used on this model can be used on different sized drums and it will fit onto a bung opening of 3/4”. It has an external height of 120mm and is made of plastic. A similar Level Indicator is the Filling Level Indicator Model FH designed to be used on commercial drums of 200 litres. This is a hinged float system and will show the approximate fill level as a measurement in litres and as a percentage. It should only be used on non-corrosive materials and is suitable for heating oil and diesel. Again, this is designed to fit a bung opening of ¾”. This model has an external height of 950mm and it is made from HDPE.
An alternative drum level indicator is the Electrical Dipstick with pre-settings for water. This can be used on all sizes of tanks and containers and the measurement can be taken in a second at a touch of a button. The unit takes the measurement using hydrostatic pressure. The unit comes complete with collecting and measuring hoses, an adhesive mounting point, a battery and a drum adaptor to allow the hoses to be connected. There is an extension hose that is available for remote display and it can measure up to a filling height of 250cm.
DENIOS UK offers a full range of Level Indicators to make the working day easier and will help your company to remain compliant with all the latest health and safety regulation
Level Indicators are important in a workplace where regular checks are required on the contents of containers. A Cast Iron filling level indicator for Horizontal Drums is easy to use and provides accurate readings. It may be that stock takes are conducted on a weekly basis and the use of Level Indicators allows for quick and easy checks to be carried out. That is particularly important when some of the product in the unit may have already been decanted for repackaging and the volumes need to be checked to ensure that they match the records.
There are a number of advantages to using the liquid level indicators. The main advantage is that your records will be accurate – without the Level Indicators, it is very difficult to guess how much material is remaining in the drum. The second advantage is that most employees can be trained to use the unit as the operation is very simple. In addition, the units are compliant with all the latest standards and regulations, ensuring that you will be working to the required parameters.
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